We Can’t Predict, We Can Prepare

Mission Statement: To provide a prepared and capable emergency management program for Nuckolls County through training, community education and preparedness by providing information and education to the general public, area emergency responders and volunteers.

What is Emergency Management? Emergency Management is concerned with the protection and education of the public from the hazards and risks that affect them.

Emergency Management is the process of preparing for, mitigating, responding to and recovering from an emergency. Emergency Management is a ever changing process.

Planning is one of the main steps to achieve county goals. Training, conducting drills, testing equipment and coordinating activities with the community are used to reinforce the plans that were set in place. Along with monitoring weather, Emergency Management is a resource and support agency for other emergency services.

We assist the LEPC on education and response to possible chemical spills at Industry locations. We also are the Local Homeland Security coordinator which includes writing, submitting, and administering the Homeland Security Grants that the County has received over the years.

In addition, we work with families, businesses, schools and industry to help them write emergency disaster plans. We also help them practice those plans when requested, work in setting up the Emergency Operations Center, and serve as Incident Commanders or with Unified Command when disasters strike.

There is much more to the Office of Emergency Management, but preparedness is the key.